
falling behind

Okay it's been awhile since I last posted and a lot has happened. The stock market has gone through major fluctuations since the bail out plan was announced. Palin continues to be a national disgrace. She is much better off playing the role of the Pit Bull Hockey mom, especially since it looks like she likes her lipstick. I think someone should seal those lips together. McCain looks like he is in pain when he had to walk around during the "town hall debate" I think the networks or debate organizers need to look up the word debate in the dictionary.

I managed to squeeze in some autumn riding during the week when I teach up in Ned. And some road riding went up to Ward to visit my favorite friend Amber and get cookie to get me up to Brainard Lake and back down to B-town. I miss the mountains, I do miss living up there, the cozy warm fires, the aspens changing, great mtb right out the door, but that WIND and the driving I did. I drive far less these days and commute by bike when I can.

I also miss having a doggy, I miss Nikita. I miss having dog pal to go on backcountry tours during the winter, runs in the summer, fishing in the fall. I am determined to get one at some point and it will be such a good dog I know.

Did some rides on the Picture Rock trail during the week knowing my weekend would be booked up with Open Studios . That was probably the last year I participate in the event. Looking for a larger studio space to get ready for some big shows in 2009. The Dairy Center for the Arts in February and Houston Art League sometime in 2009. It was great to see some folks who showed up, such as Cynthia and her rippin' mountain bike girl posse, I hope I get to ride with them before the snow falls or perhaps ski on the snow. I am starting to think about ski season, although not quite ready for the warm weather and long days to be over quite yet.

1 comment:

Kim said...

It was nice meeting you Jessica! I love your used tire tube art...the Well Hung piece is awesome!

Hope to see you out on the trails!